The museum has a collection of over 500 posters about electricity.
Most are advertising posters, but there are also educational ones. Certain posters illustrate the history of big brands and the evolution of graphic arts, with a few original designs standing out, some by major poster designers: Georges Beuville, Jean Colin, Leonetto Cappiello, Lefor-Openo, etc.
From the hygiene-related arguments to sell refrigerators in the 1930s, to the arguments emphasising technical performance after the war, publicity provides visual evidence of the progressive arrival of electrical appliances in French society, but also the evolution of habits and the social context.
Every year, the museum’s collection grows with new acquisitions.
The Loëbert, electric dancers ca 1900
The Tantale's light – 1909
Visseaux light – 1910
Cumulus, the electric water heater – 1932
Electric kitchen - 1934
To go further
Electricity from Antiquity to the 19th century
From intriguing machines to extraordinary experiments, discover the people and ideas that have made the history of electricity.
Family visits
Throughout the year, the Electropolis Museum offers specially tailored events and services for families